رسیدن به آسمایی : 09.10.2008؛ تاریخ نشر در آسمایی : 09.10.2008




فرستنده : آصف احسان

Announcing the 2009 Afghan Communications Scholarship Program

Dear All,

It would be really appreciated if you could please forward and distribute this announcement to your friends and colleagues who might be interested in applying for this great opportunity.

(I already apologize if some of you get this email more than once, as in my email list some email addresses might be repetitive): 



Announcing the 2009 Afghan Communications Scholarship Program


Application Deadline: Monday, December 1, 2008


The Open Society Institute and the University of Ottawa/l'Université d'Ottawa, in cooperation with the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in Ottawa, are pleased to announce that applications are being accepted for the Afghan MA in Communications Program.


The Afghan Communications Scholarship provides up to five fully funded fellowships to qualified citizens of Afghanistan to complete a two year MA in Communications at the University of Ottawa/l'Université d'Ottawa in Ottawa, Canada. The program provides the opportunity for post-graduate study in Canada for journalists and communications professionals in early or mid-career who demonstrate both academic and professional excellence and the potential to become leaders, decision-makers and agents of change.


For more information, and to download an application, please visit: http://www.soros.org/initiatives/scholarship/focus_areas/afghan/guidelines.

The information sheet and application forms are also attached.

The master's program is offered in Canada 's two official languages, French and English. Le programme de maîtrise est offert dans les deux langues officielles du Canada , soit le français et l'anglais. Pour information en français: http://www.communication.uottawa.ca/fra/program2.html



Asif Ehsan